Monday, September 29, 2008

Developing better searching skills on the web

Web Search Strategies in Plain English is a short video that provides tips for improving your searching on the web. The video was produced by Common Craft.

Hat tip to Law Librarian Blog

Financial Bailout Bill Rejected by House

Reuters reports that the House has rejected the Financial Bailout bill by a vote of 228-to-205. Read the text of the proposed Financial Bailout Bill here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will YouTube Video Result in Support for Dissenting Judge's Opinion?

The ABA Journal Law News Now reports that the public may judge for itself whether a recent unpublished decision by 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is correct. The court ruled that a deputy’s tasering of a handcuffed suspect was not an excessive use of force that violated the Constitution. The dissenting judge clearly stated objections to the ruling. Members of the public may find themselves agreeing with the dissenting judge after watching the video recorded in by the deputy's in car video camera. The video is available on YouTube.

Hat tip to Legal Blog Watch

Debate on Legality of Federal Bailout

The legality of the federal bailout of AIG has recently been the topic of much debate in the legal blogosphere. Visit Legal Blog Watch for a summary of some of the postings on this topic.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Additional space available in Reference Wing

The Law Library Staff recently relocated materials previously located in the Reference Wing to Lower Level South. The staff also shifted materials within the Reference Wing. This project facilitated opening additional space in the Reference Wing through the removal of two ranges of shelves. In place of the shelves, two additional tables were added to facilitate student use of materials and group study. We hope you find the additional space useful.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

PDA has a new meaning

PDA previously meant a public display of affection. These days apparently PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) means a lack of affection. According to a work-life survey from Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, as Reported in a Chicago Sun-Times article, 35% of professional responded that they would pick their PDA over their significant other.

Hat tip to Law Librarian Blog.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Rule 502 to be included in Federal Rules of Evidence

On September 8, 2008, the House of Representatives passed S. 2450, a bill adding a new Rule 502 to the Federal Rules of Evidence. The Senate had earlier approved the bill. The bill has been forwarded to the President and now awaits the President's signature.

The legislation, which protects against inadvertent waiver of the attorney-client privilege and also provides work product protection, is identical to the version of the rule approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States. The Judicial Conference transmitted the proposed rule to Congress in September 2007.

Hat tip to Electronic Discovery Law.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google Server Log Retention Policy Adjuested to Increase User Privacy

On September 8th Google announced a new server logs retention policy. As the Official Google Blog explains, Google will now "anonymize IP addresses on our server logs after nine months." Google retention policy change, which shortens the retention period from eighteen months, is intended "to address regulatory concerns and to take another step to improve privacy for our [Google] users."

Hat Tip to Law Librarian Blog

Constitution Week - Sept 17 - 23

On September 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by thirty-nine men. 221 years after the original signing, Constitution Day 2008 celebrates the enduring nature of the Constitution and the system of government it created. President Bush has proclaimed September 17, 2008 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. September 17-23, 2008 has been established as Constitution Week.

Access a transcription of the Introduction and the U.S. Constitution from the First Volume of the Annals of Congress at

Visit the American Bar Association's Constitution Day website at

Materials on the Constitutional History and Law are currently on display outside the Reference Offices.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Database - CCH Internet Research NetWork

We recently subscribed to the CCH Internet Research NetWork. This includes over 85 individual titles in the subjects of securities law, international business, banking, products liability, intellectual property & computer law, and other areas.

A list of all the databases included and a short guide to using the service is available at:

The CCH Internet Research NetWork can be accessed from our page of databases at:

It is accessible on and off campus. Just click CCH Internet Research NetWork. You can set up email alerts to notify you when new content appears in any database you select. If you need any help with this or any other database just contact a reference librarian.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Search Engine for Images

The TinEye search engine, developed by Idee and due to be released out of beta later in September, allows users to search for an image by uploading a picture rather than searching by keyword. The search engine will conduct a pixel by pixel search to identify all instances of the image (even if the image has been digitally altered). The primary use of the search engine may be copyright enforcement; however, it may also be useful in identifying image creators so that proper attribution can be provided.

Thanks to the Law Librarian Blog for information on this new resource

Monday, September 8, 2008

Second edition of ABA's Guide to Professionalism Commissions Released

The ABA has released its second edition of A Guide to Professionalism Commissions. The Guide describes the professionalism commissions operating in 14 states and the types of programs and activities commissions have used and can use in promoting professionalism in the legal profession. The Guide also contains a subsection discussing the potential for collaboration between law schools and professionalism commissions.

Hat tip to Law Librarians Blog.

Got an IDEA? The Securities and Exchange Commission Does

According to a Securities and Exchange Commission press release, the SEC's new system, Interactive Data Electronic Applications (IDEA) will allow investors "to instantly collate information from thousands of companies and forms, and create reports and analysis on the fly, in any way they choose." Currently, most SEC filings are available only in government-prescribed forms through EDGAR. IDEA will first supplement and finally replace EDGAR.

Thanks to WisBlawg.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chrome - To Use or Not to Use

There has been significant discussion about the use of Google's new browser, Chrome. Some discussion was fueled by the inclusion of language in the end-user licensing agreement, that granted the Company a perpetual license to among other things, reproduce, display and distribute any Content submitted, posted or displayed using Chrome. According to postings on September 4th, Google has deleted this language from the agreement. This action quieted some of the popular resistance to use of the browser.

For additional details regarding the new browser see "Do you want to use Chrome?" on the Law Librarian Blog.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ABA reports Lawyer Use of Technology Still Needs Improvement

Lawyers Still Lag on the Technology Front is the title of a recent post on Legal Blog Watch. The post references several sources, including a summary, prepared by the ABA Journal Editor Ed Adams, of the American Bar Association's 2008 Legal Technology Survey Report. The results of the survey indicate that while lawyers love their mobile devices, law firms and attorneys are not taking full advantage of the tools offered by the internet and technology.

National Preparedness Month

September has been designated as National Preparedness Month. This is an excellent time to consider the need for law offices to prepare for disasters and emergencies. Many of the law office management resources in the law library address this topic. Additionally, legal professionals are often called upon to assist those affected by national disasters and other emergencies. The American Bar Association's Disaster Recovery Resource Center provides links to resources addressing both general preparedness issues and issues regarding specific disaster relief efforts, such as Hurricane Gustav. Select materials on Preparedness are currently on display outside the Reference Offices.