Sunday, November 30, 2008

U.S. District Court Judge Disallows LexisNexis and Westlaw Research Expenses

In a November 7, 2008 order, the U.S. District Judge, in Carpenters Health & Welfare Fund, et al., v. Coca-Cola Co., disallowed $93,960.67 in Lexis, Westlaw, and online library research expenses, stating ...

This Court is of the opinion that charging separately for use of a research service is akin to charging for the use of a case law reporter. That is, the research service is a tool, much like a computer or a pen, and this Court considers the use of such a service part of a firm's overhead. “[C]omputer-aided research, like any other form of legal research, is a component of attorneys' fees and cannot be independently taxed as an item of cost in addition to the attorneys' fee award.” Leftwich v. Harris-Stowe State College, 702 F.2d 686, 695 (8th Cir.1983). Moreover, this Court is aware that many firms pay a flat rate to Lexis and Westlaw regardless of their usage, and class counsel cannot claim such flat rate payments as an out-of-pocket expense. 2008 WL 4997199

Hat tip to

Saturday, November 29, 2008

New House Member Directory from 111th Congress

The new member directory from the 111th Congress is available from GPOAccess. Along with pictures, the directory includes a brief biography of the new House members.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Law Practice Today

Read the November issue of the American Bar Association's webzine, Law Practice Today. Full of practical advice for practicing attorneys, you can easily subscribe to this monthly e-newsletter.

Hat tip to Stark County Law Library Weblog.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Google Image Adds LIFE Archives

Now, when you do a Google Image search, you can look for photos from the LIFE photo archive.

Thanks to Barco 2.0.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Digitial Forensic Information and Metadata

Mark McCoy, an assistant professor at the University of Central Oklahoma Forensic Science Institute, was a speaker at the 104th Oklahoma Bar Association Annual Meeting. McCoy's presentation, entitled Digital Forensic Information from Cameras and Cell Phones, was part of the Criminal Law Continuing Legal Education Track at the OBA Annual Meeting. McCoy discussed the increasing digital nature of evidence and the effective means of duplicating and discovering digital evidence.

Metadata is one form of digital evidence. Jim Calloway's article, Metadata - What Is It and What are My Ethical Duties, appears in the November 8, 2008 Oklahoma Bar Journal.

Resources on Exam Preparation

As you begin preparation for your exams, you might want some additional guidance from the "experts". Resources on exam preparation are currently on display outside the Reference Offices.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Formatting Tips

Read Typography for Lawyers for helpful hints about how to format documents. While this may seem insignificant, the Tenth Circuit and other courts specifically mention this in their local rules.

Thanks to Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bailing Out The U.S. Auto Industry

To find out more about the proposed bailout for the auto industry check CNN, NPR, the UAW, the WSJ, the Department of the Treasury, and the New York Times.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Revamping The LSAT

According to an article in Inside Higher Ed, researchers are proposing a new standardized test for law school admissions. Their report outlines how the new test could give law schools a better indication of an applicant's post-law school success.

Hat tip to Out of the Jungle.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The End of Lawyers?

Richard Susskind author of the previously published The Future of Law, has written a new book entitled The End of Lawyers? In his new book, the author examines the legal profession and its future relevancy. Read more comments about the book from the TimesOnline.

Thanks to Law Librarian Blog.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exam Preparation

As you begin to prepare for exams, don't forget to look at old exams. Several law school libraries also have guides with helpful tips and resources.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Transition Resources

To keep citizens informed, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has established a Web site with information and updates about the upcoming transition. The President-Elect also has an Internet presence for citizens to stay involved.

Thanks to the AALL Washington Blawg.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans' Day

Tomorrow, November 11th, 2008, is Veterans' Day. You can celebrate by participating in local events, reading interviews with veterans, or learning about the day's history.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The "Barack Effect"

This National Law Journal article examines the issue of how President-Elect Obama may influence more law students to consider public interest jobs. For those interested in public interest jobs, you can find more information at National Legal Aid and Defender Association (NLADA), Equal Justice Works, Legal Services Corporation, or National District Attorneys Association (NDAA).

Thanks to the Boley Law Library.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential Transitions

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has issued a report about presidential transitions. The report addresses some of the major issues faced by incoming and outgoing administrations.

Thanks to Gallagher Blogs.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ballot Measures

To find out more about ballot measures in tomorrow's election, check the National Conference on State Legislatures ballot measures database. By reading the measures ahead of time, you can be prepared on Election Day.

Thanks to ZiefBrief.

E-Rulemaking Report

The ABA recently published a report about the federal government's E-Rulemaking efforts. The report highlights some areas of concern and offers recommendations for future changes.

Hat tip to Barco Law Library.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Election Night Results

Remember to vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. In addition to watching election night results on TV, you can track results on CNN, NPR, ABC, CBS, or NBC.