Thursday, July 1, 2010
We've Moved!
We have moved permanently to:
We'll see you there.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
World Cup Courts in South Africa: Efficient But Costly
To read more about the courts or listen to the NPR story about the courts click here.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Amazon Granted Continuation Patent on Social Networking System
Hat tip to Law Librarian Blog
Sexual Orientation and the Law Display
By Presidential Proclamation, June 2010 has been designated Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
Visit a display of resources on sexual orientation and the law outside the reference offices. The display also includes information regarding OCU Law's Lesbian and Gay Law Student Association and information on Department of Defense review of and Congressional repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy.
Friday, June 18, 2010
UPDATED: Canine DNA Database Breaks New Ground In Crackdown on Animal Cruelty
From an ASPCA Press Release: "NEW YORK--The nation's first criminal dog-fighting DNA database has been established by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO) and the Louisiana SPCA (LA/SPCA), and will be maintained at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. Known as the Canine CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), the database is designed to help the criminal justice system investigate and prosecute dog fighting cases and address the growing problem of dog fighting using 21st century technology. "
Read more about Canine CODIS here.
*UPDATE* Please read the following article about the Canine CODIS database on CNN.
Photo Credit: Kim Nguyen
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Google's Collection of Unsecured Wi-Fi Data Prompts Investigations
According to a Jurist Legal News & Research, Google data collection is also a subject of investigation in Australia and Canada; and several other nations have also become interested in data collected by Google.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Law and the World Cup
While some are looking for existing connections, others are simply making new connections of their own. See the World Cup Trivia on the International Law Prof Blog.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
BP Purchases Sponsored Links for Search Terms Related to Oil Spill
According to Sullivan, this cost of BP's effort to "contain the PR fallout" of the spill is unclear, but this is "how things are done on the Internet.
BP is not the only entity making use of the Internet in relation to the oil spill. For example, see Thursday's post regarding the Oil Spill Law Blog.
For more information, read or listen to the story on
New Orleans Law Firm Launches Oil Spill Blog
Advances in Animal Law
From : "Ten years ago, nine of the 196 law schools in the United States offered courses in animal law. Today, more than 90 universities do. That’s a huge advance in the outlook for legal protection for animals. In fact, professional interest in the field of animal law is outpacing the demand, at this point."
Read the rest of the article here.
Photo credit: Pat Miller
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
May Acquisition List
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Best Advice: Listen to Your Lawyers?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Law School Graduates Sue National Conference of Bar Examiners for Violation of ADA
Hat tip to Law Librarians Blog
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
19th Edition of the Bluebook to Begin Shipping Today
"We are now accepting orders for the Nineteenth Edition for The Bluebook! We will begin shipping on June 1. Please keep in mind that we will be experiencing a very high volume of orders during this time and all orders will be shipped on a first-come, first served basis..."
If you haven't already ordered the new edition, it is also available from other providers, including Hein. According to Hein's pre-order information, the "new edition retains the same basic approach to legal citation established by its predecessors. The layout has been updated to make information easier to access. Some citation forms have been expanded, elaborated upon, or modifies from Previous editions to reflect the ever-expanding range of authorities used in legal writing and to respond to suggestions from the legal community."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Social Media: Evidence in Investigation
Lawyers are also using public social networking information in choosing jurors.
To read the full article, visit
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Senators Seek Compensation for Oil Spill
BP and Transocean are the two companies facing the most liability. For more information, visit the full article on the BLT: The Blog of the Legal Times. http//
Monday, May 24, 2010
O'Connor Critiques State Judicial Elections
In contrast, she proposes a merit-based system for the selection of judges that could help states save money and bring talented candidates to the forefront.
For the full article, visit
Hat tip for Karen Kalnins for the referal.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Resources For Summer Research Projects
Are you working on summer research projects? The OCU Law Library is open and available to help you answer reference questions. While you cannot use Westlaw or LexisNexis for work-related projects, below are some resources that you can use.
Fastcase-Scroll down to Fastcase and sign in with your OCU username and password. Once signed in you will have access to statutes, case law, regulations, constitutions, court rules, newspapers, federal filings, and legal forms. Since the Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) offers this free of charge to members, learning how to use Fastcase now will give you an edge.
Loislaw-Similar to Westlaw and LexisNexis, Loislaw also provides access to case law, statutes, and regulations. Scroll down to Loislaw where you will need to sign in with your OCU username and password to get the Loislaw access code. You will need to use this code when setting up your account.
You can use all of the library databases except for LexisNexis and Westlaw.
OSCN-Freely available to anyone with Internet access, OSCN contains session laws, statutes, and case law.
Summer associate research guide
Friday, May 14, 2010
Another Resource on Supreme Court Nominations
Here are the links to these sites.
Find Legal Resources: Supreme Court Nominations.
Find Legal Resources: Elena Kagan.
Hat Tip to Emily Brown and the LISNews (Library and Information Science News).
Thursday, May 13, 2010
New UK Prime Minister -- David Cameron
Cameron enters office on a promise to cut government spending and lessen the budget deficit. He also begins his work without a majority in Parliament. He is currently forming a cabinet in collaboration with the Liberal Democrats. The two parties have already published an agreement that shows the compromises the two parties are willing to make to work together to cut government waste.
For more, see this BBC article.
For information on UK Legal System, there are several helpful Internet resources.
Update to a Guide to the UK Legal System by Sarah Carter, Law Librarian at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
United Kingdom Law by the Parliamentary Library of the Parliament of Australia.
Law Links by the University of Kent at Canterbury
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Elena Kagan, The Law Professor
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
New Nominee to the Supreme Court
If you would like to learn more about her, The
Hat tip to Darla Jackson, Lee Peoples, and the listserv of the Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section.
Friday, May 7, 2010
April's Acquisition List
You may also find many of these books on the "New Book" display in the reference room.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Career Book Display for Graduates
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
This overview of Mexican legal system is by Jorge A.Vargas who is a professor at the University of San Diego School of Law, and it a useful place to begin research on the subject.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Nomination for OCU Law Alumnus
Monday, May 3, 2010
Humor for Finals Week
Friday, April 30, 2010
Law Day - May 1, 2001
This Day In Legal History
On this day in 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first U.S. President. Besides being the first U.S. President, Washington served in the military and played an important role in the U.S. Constitutional Convention.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Video Feeds From the U.S. House Floor
Watch what goes on in the U.S. House of Representatives with video feeds. You can also search the archives with keywords or dates.
Thanks to beSpacific.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Law Library Subscribes to Early English Books Online
Digitized directly from the UMI Early English Books collection in microform, Early English Books Online™ (EEBO) presents classic early English works as they appeared in their original format. Users can see exactly what the first printed edition of the Canterbury Tales looked like or compare Shakespeare's quartos, page by page. Now in electronic format, this vast body of retrospective material can be searched quickly and efficiently by a broad base of users, from undergraduates to scholars. EEBO opens new avenues for research in a variety of academic disciplines. The collection currently has nearly 127,000 texts beginning with the earliest printed works in the English language.
Works are drawn from these exhaustive bibliographies and collections of the period:
The Short-Title Catalogue I (Pollard & Redgrave, 1475 - 1640)
The Short-Title Catalogue II (Wing, 1641 - 1700)
The Thomason Tracts, a compendium of broadsides on the English Civil War printed between 1640 and 1661
The Early English Books Tract Supplements
Oklahoma's New Abortion Laws
"This is a good day for the cause of life. Today a bipartisan Senate majority made a bold statement in support of the sanctity of life. Those who rallied behind this cause reflected the core values of Oklahoma citizens, and I applaud my colleagues in providing more safeguards for the life of the unborn.
“I would remind the Governor and those who would seek to overturn this action that the Governor has already signed four pro-life bills (SB 1890, SB 1891, SB 1902 & HB 3075) into law this session that had been previously overturned by the courts on a technicality, not merit.
“That same technicality applies to the two vetoes that were overturned today. The argument that these bills will be challenged in the courts is speculative.
“The voice of the people has spoken twice now this session in the Senate and twice in the House, and I sincerely hope those who would reverse the people’s voice would think twice before acting.” From the Oklahoma State Senate.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Picking Up Groceries At The Library?
In a neighborhood without many grocery stores customers can now pick up groceries at the public library. Read and listen about this innovative new program in Baltimore.
Thanks to NPR and the Library Journal.